Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Function of Management

Function of Management

  1. Planning
  2. Organization
  3. Staffing
  4. Directing
  5. Co coordinating
  6. Reporting
  7. Budgeting 

14 Principle of Management by Henry Foyle

14 Principle of Management by Henry Foyle

  1. Division of work: dividing the work according to the employee specialization
  2. Authority and responsibility: every employee should have authority and responsibility to be given to the employee.
  3. Discipline: to avoid disturbance in the employee.
  4. Unity of command: command from one person
  5. Unity of direction: order from one person to the group
  6. Subordination of individual interested to a group interest: individual interested to a group interest
  7. Remuneration: These are non-motivator. Reward them for motivation
  8. Centralization: the degree to which to the organization for decision-making
  9. Scalar chain: it is for the purpose of communication. Which is from top to bottom, bottom to top or horizontal
  10. Order: top down communication approach
  11. Equality: treating equal according to their designation levels.
  12. Stability of tenure of Human Resource: treating the employee so that he/she should not leave the organization
  13. Initiative: initiative is given to employee for development.
  14. Esprit de corps: unity is the strength of the organization.

Characteristics of Management:

Characteristics of Management:

  1. Management is a Purposeful activity
  2. Management is a Planning and decision-making
  3. Management is a Concerned with group efforts
  4. Management is a Universal in nature
  5. Management is an integrated process
  6. Management is a Science, art and professions

What Is Management?

What is Management ? Define Management? Definition of Management?

Management is define as an Art and science of getting the work done through other.

Other definition are

Management is trick of controlling and art completing work with the help of other people.

Management consists of distinct process of

  • planning, 
  • organizing, 
  • controlling, 
  • directing and
  • budgeting 

to accomplish the objective of organization by the use of people and other resources.